Kip’s Comments - May 5, 2023
Shore Birds and a Little More
When I ventured out on the water this morning in my canoe I was hoping to find and photograph soras or Virginia rails. That did not happen. But, I did find and photograph an assortment of shorebirds, with one species being a shorebird I had not seen or photographed since 2006. In fact, I did not even recognize I was in the presence of semipalmated plovers (x3).
Semipalmated plovers are fascinating birds. Their winters are spent along the southern coast of the US while summer months are spent in far northern regions of Canada. Just think of how much energy it must take to fly so far…amazing! And to think there are some bird species that migrate even further!!
Several other shorebird species were working the mudflat I was watching. They are featured here.
A couple of other species were photographed today, but neither was a shorebird.
I found this indicator that there might be one less American coot at the marsh. There is a story here that I will never know.
The following images were actually photographed late last night during my “Full Moon Paddle” for the month of May. Full moon or not, I am going to try to improve my nighttime wildlife photography skills since there is much activity after the sun goes down. (Both pictures shot at extreme high ISO while being handheld from a canoe on a moving river.)