Kip’s Comments - April 23, 2023
Fun While It Lasted
Imagine if all of your life you have to be on your guard so you are not dehydrated or devoured. Your first big threat comes as you swim around as a tadpole in water that may or may not be deep enough for you to survive while predators want to munch on you.
Then you go into winter when you become lethargic - slow to move and very vulnerable to hungry big things and the ice freezing solid.
You make it through the winter and begin to feel warm temperatures. Those warm temps in your shallow water quickly put you in the mood for love. Then bam… a hungry green heron sees you, snatches you in its beak, tosses you around as you fight for your life. Finally, you run out of fight - you simply aren’t able to withstand the crushing beak of the heron. Down the throat you go and life is over. Then the victor (green heron) struts so proud to another spot to look for the next available frog!
So much for 2023 if you were that frog. But to turn lemons into lemon aid… the green heron will live another day. Such is the predator/prey relationship in the wild.
I also spent some close time with a lesser yellowlegs. That does not happen too often.