Kip’s Comments - March 3, 2024
An Early Spring Wildflower Trifecta - Not!
With temps approaching 80-degrees and wind trying to blow my skin off, I opted not to attempt any paddling today, even though I really would have enjoyed time on the water when it was warm. Instead, I attempted to find three early blooming spring wildflower species - hoping they were all blooming earlier than normal. Nope! That didn’t happen, but I did make the best of the outing.
Following are pictures from the day. Click on this link to view a video of the outing where the pictures are explained.
An Early Spring Wildflower Trifecta - Not!
For those wondering… I am continuing to distance myself from others until I am free of the crud. I can walk slowly to soak in fresh air, especially when walking into the wind and the effect is like being hit by with pressurized air from a compressor.
Lichen on Rock - Image 867256
Lichen on Rock - Image 867258
Lichen on Rock - Image 867290
Lichen on Rock - Image 867285
Lichen on Rock - Image 867295
Skunk Cabbage - Image 867351