Kip’s Comments - March 25, 2023
Seasons and Special Times
According to the calendar we changed seasons one day last week. While most people divide the year into four seasons, for me - at least at the cabin - there are two seasons. Season 1 includes the many months when the dock is in the water. Season 2 would be the rest of the year (a much more disappointing time). As of mid-morning today, Season 1 arrived as our third oldest grandchild learned how to help me put the dock in the water. Now we need to use it!
Dock in Water - Image 796476
A second indicator of the changing of seasons happens when nightcrawlers are readily available. This nice crawler appeared as the kids and I were picking up gravel from the yard. I could not share it with anyone.
Nightcrawler in Hand - Image 796479
This afternoon I had the honor of watching our youngest as he napped. I know these types of pictures are different than I normally shoot, but as he peacefully slept I could not help but record a couple of images of the moments.
Sleeping Toddler - Image 4278
Generation Hands - IMG_4296.jpg
After naps we took the boys for a hike at Sweet Marsh where we burned off plenty of energy and saw geese, ducks, and blew milkweed seeds.
Gramps and Grandma with Grandsons at Sweet Marsh
At the Birding Scope - Image DS1_0007