Kip’s Comments - March 23, 2023
Shameless Self-promotion
Every now and then I dabble in photography and writing. OK, maybe I do a little more than dabbling.
Sometimes my efforts result in more than simply sharing images on my website or through social media. Occasionally my work makes it to print and is more widely distributed for others to enjoy.
For the latest edition of the Iowa Outdoors magazine I not only have an article with many photos published in the center, but one of my images made the cover.
At the risk of appearing to boast (I am not), I will admit that I am proud to see how nice the layout is and how the images look in print. The folks who put the Iowa Outdoors magazine together did a fine job. Thank you Brian and team!
(Hello to the UNI Science Club (and friends)…It was fun sharing my passion with you this afternoon!
Iowa Outdoors Magazine Cover - Image 796099
Iowa Outdoors Magazine Cover - Image 796108