Kip’s Comments - February 7, 2023
Tough as Ducks
During the spring migration I often spend time attempting to photograph waterfowl in flight. Bird in flight imaging is challenging - the birds are moving, my camera and I are moving, and exposures and focus are ever changing. In other words, there are many moving parts that need to align to produce a single image that is acceptable. For that reason, my success rate on ducks in flight is considerable lower than when I photograph stationary birds.
With our heavy blanket of snow forcing ring-necked pheasants to field edges, I have had ample opportunity to practice photographing nearly stationary birds in fields along road edges. Yes, some of the pictures have been interesting and worked, but what I have wanted was nicely lit, correctly exposed and focused rooster pheasant in flight images. Today I came pretty close.
If you look carefully you can see mud on the beak of this bird. He had been pecking at seeds in field dirt before taking flight. Those specs of mud, while authentic, somewhat detract from the image. Still, I like it enough to share it with you.
Ducks or pheasants in flight…both are a worthwhile challenge for this wildlife photograph. I welcome any practice they offer me!
Ring-necked Rooster Pheasant - Image 790625