Kip’s Comments - February 3, 2025

Go A Little Longer? Reflections on an Anniversary -

Somehow an anniversary slipped by me a couple of days ago. On February 1 I began my 24th year of shooting a picture a day and sharing at least one photo on my website (often on Facebook too). Twenty-four years is a long time and many pictures.

I first began my self-assignment as an effort to improve my photography skills. That seems to be happening. After this long I still think about how I want my settings - but not how to record an image but more how to enhance the photo with the very first shot. And, I continue to “learn to see.”

Quaking Aspen Trees in a Row - Image 941123

Quaking Aspen Trees in a Row - Image 941123

What began as an effort to improve my photos has proven to be so much more. Since most of my images are recorded outdoors, in the wild, I have gained a real benefit of outdoor mental health therapy. I consider my daily outings into the woods or on the river to be my prescription to a form of sanity.

When I am out exploring, especially with a camera to my eye, my head clears, my attention shifts, and the stressors of the day or the moment seem to vanish. Sometimes I even experience an added benefit of seeing life’s challenges in a new light after my daily Nature Rx.

I have wondered if we all wouldn’t benefit from near daily outdoor therapy. Yes, I know there are folks who avoid the outdoors, so maybe their outdoor immersion would have to be less aggressive. Big or small, daring or subdued, I would bet most people would become better persons after some quality time in nature on a regular basis.

Trumpeter Swans - Image 941161

Trumpeter Swans - Image 941161

Even though the anniversary of my self-assignment was a few days ago, the importance of the day is still here. Each year, as the anniversary approaches, I consider ending the daily aspect of my efforts. Think how much time I would gain. Imagine how I would have time to watch TV or movies or sports. Imagine how much more tightly wound I would become without my outdoor time of relaxation and the updating of my webpage and social media.

I guess I have made my decision. Since the 24th year has already begun, I might as well continue a little longer. Nature therapy has been good this far. It is time to refill the prescription!

(And - I have learned there are some people who get their outdoor experience through my pictures and thoughts. We are in this together. I will do my part a bit longer.)

Trumpeter Swans - Image 941322

Trumpeter Swans - Image 941322

On a different topic - For those wondering, I put together a video on my hike yesterday at Malanaphy Springs. View the video at this link:

A Groundhog Day Hike at Malanaphy Springs


Kip’s Comments - February 4, 2025


Kip’s Comments - February 2, 2025