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Kip’s Comments - February 21, 2025

Awkward Art?

Weather conditions or Mother Nature or something else seemed to be limiting wildlife activities early this morning. With few critters to find and photograph I turned my lens toward the river to practice focusing on common birds in flight. (The spring migration will soon be here so I need to practice again so I am ready for ducks and warblers.)

The species to follow and focus on was the Canada goose. I waited until the waterfowl moved toward me and practiced as they came in for a water or ice landing.

As I watched the geese and studied my photos, I realized just how awkward their landing efforts can be. But, their efforts seem to work and the odd body postures do make for interesting views of common birds.

Canada Goose Coming in for Landing - Image 944490

Canada Goose Coming in for Landing - Image 944500

Canada Goose Coming in for Landing - Image 944508

Canada Goose Coming in for Landing - Image 944514

Canada Goose Coming in for Landing - Image 944531

Not far from where I was watching the Canada geese this juvenile bald eagle also had its eyes on them. I saw the eagle catch nothing.

Sub-adult Bald Eagle - Image 944579

I also took a walk at Babcock Woods and made a video of the trek. See the video at this link:

A Cold Hike at Babcock Woods