Kip’s Comments - December 28, 2024
Birds for the Count (Maybe)
For my “Christmas Bird Count” friends I may have a species or two for you to add to the totals. For most species seen I have photos for proof. Those paying close attention may notice that each bird has its head up and appears healthy. That is a good thing! (Species seen today: Canvasback, ring-necked duck, great blue heron, northern shoveler, Canada geese, trumpeter swans, bald eagles, barred owl).
As for the outbreak at Sweet Marsh - I saw no newly dead birds and no birds appearing to be in trouble. That too is a good thing!
Note: We must not get comfortable and begin thinking the outbreak is past us. For now we may see fewer deaths as the initial wave of infections passed through. A likelihood of another wave of deaths exists for the upcoming spring migration beginning in only two or three months. Time will tell.