Kip’s Comments - December 1, 2024
Reflections, Thankfulness, Reality
Somehow we are at the end of the Thanksgiving weekend already. Hopefully most reading this will have enjoyed pleasant time with family and friends, a delicious meal or two, an opportunity to “recharge” before the Christmas holiday, and ample time to give thanks for our blessings. We were blessed with each and more and for that I am thankful.
However, during this holiday weekend I also experienced the opposite range of emotions through grief and despair. Allow me to explain.
I am guilty of assuming most of us live with similar good fortunes. We have roofs over our heads, furnaces to keep us warm, electricity for the lights, and reasonable health that allows us to stay active and engaged.
Once again I have been reminded that we are all not the same. When I tend to turn a blind eye to what I see, sometimes the other eye is almost poked with reality. We are not all blessed with the same basic needs. Some do not have, some are not warm, some have health concerns, and we need to help out - even when we might not want to. I am guilty of sometimes blaming those without for creating their own mess - and some have done just that. Still, I/we need to help out when called upon - whether easy or not.
My picture for today features ice that has lost its edge with reflections/waves. I thought the reflection aspect was appropriate for this post as I considered what I thought today would be and how it ended up playing out. Much was experienced by many. Reflections are happening.
I am going to ask that prayers are said for those in need around us - even for those who make it challenging to change their circumstances. Pray that good health is enjoyed and the basics necessities for a healthy life are figured out.
It was not an easy day. I do not like being slapped with reality. I am thankful for the many who tried and continue to try. Time will tell.
Thank you to the many partners. Thank you to those who say a prayer.
Ice and Reflections - Image 930919