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Kip’s Comments - November 4, 2023

We Have Been Invaded by Spiders!

Sometime during the overnight hours a good section of our yard was invaded by tiny spiders. Maybe a quarter-acre or more of the yard has fine spider webbing across the grass. The tops of our small trees are draped or encircled by webs. Some of the webs host hundreds of the tiny spiders. Bits of web are even floating through the air.

I have done my best to determine the spider species to no avail. I do not know their type, where they came from, how long they might stay, or any other details. Since I am not bothered by spiders, this phenomenon does not stress me. In fact, I find the situation intriguing. My grandson and I even laid in the grass to shoot pictures of the very interesting spider art.

Following is some of what we found.

Spider Webs Across Yard - Image 855114

Spider Webs Across Yard - Image 855118

Spider Webs Across Yard - Image 855163

Spider Webs Across Yard - Image 855185

Spider Webs Across Yard - Image 855268

Spider Webs Across Yard - Image 855312