Kip’s Comments - November 23, 2022
Junior Visited Today
As I was heading out the door today to be productive, I did what I always do - I scanned our tall spruce trees to see if we had any feathered visitors. As happens often we did have company, a sub-adult bald eagle I thought may have been Junior - one of the offspring from the nest near our home. Junior was watching our house area very intently, almost with hunger in his (her) posture. If the eagle was willing to somehow remove one or more of our moles that are devastating the yard, I would have welcomed the carnage. On the other hand, I wondered if Junior hadn’t seen our small dog that was out wandering the yard. Death to Layla by way of eagle claws is not welcome. Eventually Junior flew off to wherever young eagles spend their days.
Bald Eagle - Image 782487
After watching the young eagle take flight I returned to the house to lock things up. In the short time it took me to lock doors and return, an adult bald eagle had taken perch. Like Junior, the adult bald eagle was concentrating on watching our house. This bird was so focused that when I drove away the eagle was still watching the house and did not take flight.
Needless to say, we are going to be even more careful than we have been when we let the dog out. We need no bald eagle/pet dog skirmishes. I think I know who would win if it happens.
Bald Eagle - Image 782602
Later, during my travels, I saw even more bald eagles - so many that I did not stop to photograph most of them. When I saw two sitting in a tree together, I thought that view might be worth a photo.
Bald Eagles - Image 782642
Rather than end today’s post with thoughts of conflict and possible pet bloodshed, I am opting to switch modes completely. Let’s end with a nice view from this morning’s sunrise. This view appears to be an island in tropical paradise. The reality is that ice surrounds the isle getaway. Frozen water or not, it was still a pretty scene.
Island Sunrise - Image 782470