Kip’s Comments - November 1, 2023

Things Are Not Always What They Seem

Regular visitors to this page know I have a fondness for lone trees out in fields. When I see them, I make a mental note and later enjoy them when conditions are photo-worthy. Early today I documented this scene.

Sometimes what you think you see is not reality. In this case, my picture does not show a lone tree, but two trees in a field. Yes, they are in close proximity and give the illusion of a single tree, but close inspection reveals reality - this was two trees compressed together by a long lens with an impressive sunrise in the background.

One tree or multiples, I thought the scene was pretty! Maybe it was a bit somber, but still pretty.

Trees at Sunrise - Image 854624


Kip’s Comments - November 2, 2023


Kip’s Comments - October 31, 2023