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Kip’s Comments - October 9, 2023

Life Cycles (Deep Thoughts)

Earlier today I spotted a “not so healthy” looking red fox hesitantly prancing across a harvested soybean field. Eventually the fox made its way to a partially harvested corn field. Once there, the fox headed toward me on the edge of the standing corn. Before approaching too close, the animal paused to look around, then - without convincing urgency - entered the standing corn.

Even though my time with the fox was probably less than one minute, it appeared obvious the animal was struggling. Was it young and not doing well on its own, or aged and reaching the end of life. Regardless, winter is likely to be tough for this fox.

This afternoon, while getting some exercise, I spotted this grasshopper on a milkweed leaf. On closer examination I could tell its lifecycle was complete. The grasshopper’s challenge to survive had passed.

Seeing the dead grasshopper and the fox closer to death than the prime of life got me thinking. How am I doing in my lifecycle?

Nowhere is a simple life promised. Try as we might, tough times are going to come our way. Ready or not, we will be challenged in life. Like today’s red fox, we will struggle. Challenges, questions, and situations that make little sense will come our way. So too will good days. Hopefully for each of us times of pleasure will outnumber frustrations.

I can only hope that for both the fox and the grasshopper, and each of you, that your lifecycle has been one of more fulfillment than conflicts. The best you can do is live each day to the fullest, remembering that after darker times, better days will come.

(Red fox pictures from a distance (not the best)).

Red Fox in Bean Field - Image 848144

Red Fox in Corn Field - Image 848168

Dead Grasshopper on Milkweed Leaf - Image 848214