Kip’s Comments - October 28, 2022
Photography from a Canoe or Kayak
Time and time again I am asked how I shoot my photos of scenes or subjects from the water. Whether I am in a canoe, kayak, or even a boat, my process is virtually the same.
To try to answer some of the questions and to possibly save budding photographers from learning lessons the hard way, I put together a video explaining some of my techniques. My explanations are not terribly technical and should be practical for most photographers. You can view the video by clicking on this link:
Photography from a Canoe or Kayak
Since I spent much of my paddling time appearing to be talking to myself - for those who did not know I was recording video - I did not see any wildlife at close range. My watery travels did include an indication of our feathered wildlife that had been nearby and autumn plants hanging in the river, but nothing more.
Even without any close wildlife sightings the paddling was fun. It was chilly, but fun!
Feather on Water - Image 780275
Autumn Leaves in Water - Image 780255