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Kip’s Comments - October 2, 2023

Oh Criminy Sakes

Many Internet sources list suggested gift themes for each year of wedded bliss. I don’t know about you, but we seldom (never) follow that. On this special night, the eve of our 42nd wedding anniversary, I looked up the suggestion - clock or watches. Really…. Oh criminy sakes… we have watches, we have our phones, and we have plenty of other ways to tell time. We don’t need watches or clocks.

What my bride and I need is something to help us sail off into the sunset of our “experienced” years. Well, you can’t hardly sail off into the sunset without a sailboat, so we bought one! We got us a classic ready for the water.

Assuming we get this thing figured out, think of the fun we will have - along with our kids and grandkids!!

Sunfish Sailboat - Image 5878