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Kip’s Comments - October 10, 2023

Before Work and After Work Pics

For reasons unknown to me I once again attempted something I have done before and expected different results. My test… recording video with enough quality using my cell phone rather than my GoPro or Nikon. What looked good on my phone screen did not hold up on my laptop. So, the video test effort was in vain. But, I did manage to shoot a number of still photos while I was out. To be clear - I went out twice - before work and after. Here is a sampling of images.

Before Work Photos:

Sunrise on the Wapsipinicon River - Image 848437

River Fog on Wapsipinicon River - Image 848401

Northern Shoveler on Wapsipinicon River - Image 848380

Wood Duck on Wapsipinicon River - Image 848476

Blue-winged Teal on Wapsipinicon River - Image 848338

Maple Leaf on Wapsipinicon River - Image 848366

After Work Pics (all action was at a pileated woodpecker hole):

Northern Flicker at Pileated Woodpecker Hole - Image 848519

Red-bellied Woodpecker at Pileated Woodpecker Hole - Image 848638

Pileated Woodpecker at Nest - Image 848529

Pileated Woodpecker at Nest - Image 848632