Kip’s Comments - January 4, 2024
Somber Mood
Over the years, likely decades now, I have - along with law enforcement officers - presented ALiCE and now Run, Hide, Fight with Stop-the-Bleed to thousands of people. We have discussed these disturbing topics with young students, high school students, college students, businesses, churches, and members of the public. Time after time we state how we hope the information shared is never needed. After all, we live in Iowa. We should be safe, shouldn’t we? Sadly, today’s school shooting in Perry proved why we must never assume “it” cannot happen here.
Nobody of sound mind takes a weapon into a school, or house of worship, or anywhere with the intention of assaulting others before taking their own life. Yet this happens day after day. This morning the shooting was in an Iowa school. Why?
From a personal basis I and other responders are already discussing how we can enhance our preparedness, our responses, and support when these senseless acts of violence occur. Please, we must as a country pull together. We must address the mental health issue. Sadly, we must face the fact that bad things can happen here - so we must be prepared. We, as a society, must relearn how to demonstrate mutual respect for those around us - even those we may not agree with. This has to stop.
Today’s picture reflects my mood - somber. I hurt for the families of the injured, the shooter’s family, the responders, and the community of Perry, Iowa. Each has been changed forever. Iowans have been impacted. This is so sad.
My prayers today are for all involved. Please Lord…
Lone Tree in Field - Image 861265