Kip’s Comments - January 16, 2025
Bridge Pier Rebar Structure - Image 938725
Geometry… What Are These - Never to be Seen Again
During my outdoor time today I spent many minutes watching the bridge construction work in Waverly. The process of putting this bridge up fascinates me. Bridge construction is so involved with details I would not even consider.
As I observed I recorded some video and shot a few still pictures, but nothing that might interest the masses. As I was putting my gear away I noticed “things” that I thought might make interesting photos. Viewing the images on my computer confirmed my hunch… yes - these make interesting photos.
Lying on the ground near the construction site were at least four of these of various sizes. Some sported a light rust while others appeared to be very new.
What were they you asked? My guess is these are bridge pier rebar structures that will hold the piers together. If I am correct, soon each will be placed vertically in the support structure and covered by concrete. They will never be seen like this again.
Interesting, don’t you think!
Bridge Pier Rebar Structure - Image 938741