Welcome to LadagePhotography.com - your source for wildlife and outdoor images, daily thoughts meant to inspire and educate, and a photo gallery of wildlife and landscape images. We invite you to browse our website. Check out the featured images, read our daily blog, or research wildlife photos.
LadagePhotography.com currently has stock image files approaching 950,000 images. If you are looking for photos for publications or art, or might be interested in a photo/text package, contact us. We may be able to help.
Thank you for visiting LadagePhotography.com!
By the way… This is the “Updated” version of LadagePhotography.com. We will be adding much more content with time. Looking for something special? Contact us - we may have it!
Mississippi River Backwater Scenic
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Featured Images
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Rose Mallow Along Mississippi River
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Canoe on Water Under Near Full Moon
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Kip’s Comments
Photography and enjoying the outdoors are therapeutic and necessary for healthy living. Each day I share thoughts and images from my day in this area.
Stop by, see what is happening, and maybe gain an occasional inspiration for your next activity.
About Ladage Photography -
Ladage Photography began almost by accident after years of hunting with a gun or bow and fishing. While out pursuing game in a lethal manner I started to notice there was so much more to the outdoors that I was beginning to “see.” I had spent hours in the outdoors, but almost with blinders on. Soon I was carrying an old film camera in one hand and a gun or bow in the other. It did not take long to learn that I could not do both at the same time. I had to decide - hunt with a gun or bow or hunt with a camera. I switched to hunting for wildlife or outdoor photos and have never looked back. (I still hunt with a gun or bow once every now and then, but not very often.)
Over the years me photography pursuits have taken me to many places most folks never experience. I have backpacked all of the trails at Isle Royale National Park, paddled in the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness Area in Northern Minnesota more times than I remember, and I explore Northeast Iowa as often as time allows.
Nature/Outdoor photography is a form of mental therapy for me. My “regular” job provides all of the excitement (and more) than a person needs. To unwind I try to get out with my camera at least a few minutes every day. During the warm weather months I am on the water most days of the week exploring and attempting to document what I see. I then share those images with others through this website, through magazine articles, and through nature photography presentations.
I am hopeful this website provides something positive for each visitor. Whether that is an opportunity to purchase a canvas or print, or maybe a laugh or tears by reading my daily blog, or perhaps by helping to identify some plant or wildlife.
This website is a complete revamp of my previous site. It is a work in progress and will continue to grow as I upload images. Please, stop back often. And, if our paths cross in the outdoors, let me know. I enjoy meeting new people with a similar interest.